We received Mr. Khamis Sulieman, Permanent Secretary President Office of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (Economy and Investment) and his delegation.

Today, we were privileged to receive the Permanent Secretary, President Office of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (Economy and Investment) Mr. Khamis Suleiman Mwalimu.  The Permanent Secretary and his delegation, which includes Mr. About Hassan Mwinyi, Deputy Permanent Secretary President Office (Finance and Planning), are in  Abuja Nigeria for an official visit at the invitation of the Federal  Inland Revenue Services (FIRS).

The Inaugural Celebration of "World Kiswahili Language Day" by the High Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania in the Federal Republic of Nigeria

H.E. Dr Benson Alfred Bana giving his opening remarks at the event.

The Inaugural Celebration of "World Kiswahili Language Day" by the Tanzania High Commission, held on the 14th July, 2022, the celebration was with an Open Dialogue. Panelists were drawn from the Academia in Ghana and Nigeria, the Diplomatic Corps and host Government institutions.

Kiswahili is a bantu language and one of the four main African languages that is spoken widely on the African continent, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The language is prominent in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Several countries in Africa have adopted Kiswahili either as a national language, official language or as a medium of instruction in schools.
On 10th February, 2022 the African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia approved and adopted Kiswahili as an official working language of the Union and its institutions. Kiswahili is also the working language of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and East African Community (EAC). It is estimated that about 250-300 million people on the African continent speak Kiswahili at various levels.
On 23rd November, 2021 United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) member states at its 41st session, Paris 2021 declared 7th July each year with effect from 2022 as ‘World Kiswahili Language Day.’

Panelist during the open dialogue session.

A cross section of the guests and participants standing for the national/ regional anthems

 Pre-event picture of the hall setup


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